miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

TRADITIONS (dances, traditional music, religion)

Indian music covers a wide range of traditions and regional styles. Classical music largely encompasses the two genres – North Indian Hindustani, South Indian Carnatic traditions and their various offshoots in the form of regional folk music. Regionalised forms of popular music include filmi and folk music; the syncretic tradition of the bauls is a well-known form of the latter.
Indian dance too has diverse folk and classical forms. Among the well-known folk dances are the bhangra of the Punjab, the bihu of Assam, the chhau of West Bengal, Jharkhand , sambalpuri of Orissa , the ghoomar of Rajasthan and the Lavani of Maharashtra. Eight dance forms, many with narrative forms and mythological elements, have been accorded classical dance status by India's National Academy of Music, Dance, and Drama. These are: bharatanatyam of the state of Tamil Nadu, kathak of Uttar Pradesh, kathakali and mohiniyattam of Kerala, kuchipudi of Andhra Pradesh, manipuri of Manipur, odissi of Orissa and the sattriya of Assam.
Bharata Natyam or Bharatanatyam (Tamil) is a classical dance form originating in Tamil Nadu, nowadays practiced throughout South India by predominantly young females and women. It is held as the national dance of India. The dance is accompanied by the classical Carnatic music. It has its inspirations from the sculptures of the ancient temple of Chidambaram

The right hand is in the Bhramara (bumblebee) Hasta. The bumblebee is regarded as auspicious. The left hand's fingers are in Alapadma Hasta, the rotating lotus of spiritual light. The eyes are directed towards the Supreme Lord. The left leg is lifted, symbolizing the swift ascent of the consciousness in one step from the Earth to the Heaven

Hindu Temples

The temples of the Medieval Era were varied architectural styles. The temples and the religious places built then were symbolic of the ruler and his richness and devotion. The seeds of experimentation in religious architecture were sown in medeival temples.
India has many splendid temples that have found a place in World Heritage list. These temples are cynosure of all for their marvellous architecture. These pronounce the age old customs and traditions of India. These include Sun Temple at Konark, Khajuraho Temples, Ajanta Caves, Brihadeswara Temple, and Sanchi Stupas.

Brihadeswara temple

Buddhist temples

For a Buddhist tourist visiting India, monasteries or gompas are the prime attraction. A number of Buddhist monasteries or gompas spread across the length and breadth of India and speak volume about the Buddhist heritage of the country.
Famous Buddhist Monasteries: Bihar, Jammu, Kashmir, Sikkim, Himachal, Pradesh, Arunachal, Pradesh
Famous Buddhist Monasteries in Arunachal Pradesh

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